
Jumat, 21 Maret 2014

Exercise 21 : Conditional Sentences

Supply the correct from of the verb in parentheses for each of the following sentences. review the formulas in you have trouble.

Exercise 21 Conditional Sentence       

  1.  Henry Talks to his dog as if it has understand him.
  2.  If they had left the house earlier, they wouldn’t be so late getting to the airport that they could not      check their baggage.
  3.  If I finish the dress before Saturday, I gives it to my sister for her birthday.
  4.  If I had seen the movie, I could told you about it last night.
  5.  Had Bob not interfered in his sisters marital problems, there could be peace between them.
  6.  He would give you the money if he had it.
  7.  I wish they could stop making so much noise so that I could concentrate.
  8. She would call you immediately if she needed help.
  9. Had they arrived at the sell early, they could found a better selection.
  10. We hope that you will enjoy the party last night.
  11. If you have enough time, please paint the chair before you leave.
  12. We could go for a drive if today were Saturday.
  13. If she win the prize, it will be because she writes very well.
  14. Mike wished that the editors would permit him to copy some of their material.
  15. Joel wishes that he could spend his vacation on the gulf coast next year.
  16. I will accept if they invite me to the party.
  17. If your mother bought that car for you, will you be happy?
  18. If he had decided earlier, he could have left on the afternoon flight.
  19. Had we known your address, we would write you a letter.
  20. If the roofer doesn’t come soon, the rain will leak inside.
  21. Because rose did so poorly on the exam, she wishes that she would study harder last night.
  22. My dog always wakes me up if he hears strange noises.
  23. If you see Mary today, please asked her to call me.
  24. If he gets the raise, it will be because he does a good job.
  25. The teacher will not accept our work if we turn it in late.
  26. Mrs Wood always talks to her tenth-grade students as tough they will become adults.
  27. If he had left already, he would called us.
  28. If they had known him, they could talked to him.
  29. He would understand it if you explained it to him more slowly.
  30.  I could understand the French teacher if she spoke more slowly.

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